May 13
Home Up



May 13, 2002

Start: Witch Meadow Lake Campground, Salem CT
End: KOA, Brattleboro VT
Miles: 120(est)

It rained all night, heavily at times. We discussed staying another day just to avoid the hassles, but decided to continue. 

We unhooked all the utilities during a lighter period of rain and wove our way out through the trees to the road. I wound up wet and Dolores was damp. The hot air from the heater felt good and dried us out after a bit. The temperature never got above 45 today.

The roads today were all interstate-quality, so we had no real problem. The mist that was kicked up by passing large trucks was an annoyance.

We had intended to go to Springfield, VT, but the campground there sounded not-too-good. Dolores started looking in Woodall’s and found a "5-W" KOA somewhat short of our goal, and that sounded much better. We stopped there and found a really nice campground with extremely clean and well-constructed facilities.

We got wet again while setting up the trailer. I was going to go get propane filled into the tank I thought had leaked due to my poor threading the connector. I found the tank very heavy – obviously full. So I threaded it correctly, and selected it to be the one in use. It worked. Now I don’t know why it wouldn’t work yesterday, but I’m not going to worry about it.

We changed and went up the road another 30 miles to Dolores’ sister Mary’s house. She and her husband Walter greeted us and we went into all sorts of family conversations while catching up on what has happened to whom.

Their daughter Marybeth came along after leaving work, left again to get her daughter Julieann and returned. Her young son Tim had been there all along. We chatted for a bit over coffee, then she and her kids left.

We had dinner there (baked spaghetti & salad) and kept on chatting till 10:00, then returned to the little house in the KOA to watch the news and retire.

The forecast for tomorrow is 40 – 45 with rain showers during the day and a chance of snow tomorrow night. They say it’s been above 90 two or three times this year and that this is very unusual. I’m getting suspicious.