May 23
Home Up



May 23, 2002

Day 14

Start: Southport RV Park, Charlottetown, PEI 
Miles: 0

The low last night was 48f; the high today was 72f under beautiful sunny skies in Charlottetown. The breeze was stiff, though, making it feel a lot cooler if you were in the wind.

After breakfast in the little house overlooking the harbor, we took off eastward. On our way to East Point, the furthest east point of PEI, we stopped at a couple of provincial parks. We walked the beach, looking at the shallow water to see if any creatures had been trapped by the ebbing tide (a few snails). We took several pictures. There were many lobstermen working the waters off the north shore. 

At East Point, we took pictures of the lighthouse and the bluff and beach. You can see the Cape Breton part of Nova Scotia from East Point.

We headed back toward Charlottetown via Souris (I’m told this means “mouse” in French). Many of the farmers are planting potatoes today. A truck of seed potatoes is used to fill the bin on the planting machine. The machine cuts the potatoes to the planting size and puts them into the ground properly spaced. It puts in a dozen or more rows at a time. When the bin is empty, they go back to the truck for more seed potatoes.

Back in Charlottetown, we did our tourist duties. We shopped. We wandered through all the little stores just opening for the season. Dolores picked up a bunch of little things to use as gifts later in the year. 

We walked the harbor boardwalk while doing this, then returned to the truck. We’d parked it next to the visitor’s center, which we later found out was the center of the old railroad yards. The old station now holds the Labor Compensation Board.

We visited our little house for a bit to have a beer and sit. Then we went out for groceries and fuel.

We’re having chicken and salad with Canadian Chardonnay tonight. Then we’ll pack up whatever we can in preparation for moving. We go to the Bay of Fundy section of Nova Scotia via New Brunswick tomorrow.