20030629 Open new window with today’s pictures.
June 29, 2003 Sunday
Start: Ripple Rock RV Park, Campbell River BC End: Ripple Rock RV Park, Campbell River BC (actually Brown's Bay, 12 miles north) Miles: 0 Hi Temp: 76.6 Lo Temp: 53.4
We arose at a leisurely time, did the ablutions, and headed down the hill. We checked out the site of the pot-luck dinner tonight (the clubhouse), then went to the office and got $10 worth of loonies (the Canadian $1 coin). Then we went to the marina restaurant for breakfast.
A bunch of the boys were whooping it up..... Nope, wrong place. A bunch of the charter boat captains were having breakfast and conversing. It was windy this morning, the sound was choppy, and the fish weren't biting. One of the guys said, "I went out this morning, but it turned out I only went boating."
We had a good breakfast - the standard two eggs, meat, potatoes, wheat toast, coffee. The small swells from the sound made the marina office (on another barge), the restaurant barge, and the floating docks all surge up and down a little, doing a strange dance. A couple came in by boat, had a cup of coffee, and left.
Some of the guys made to leave. One said, "Well, I can't catch any fish in here.", to which another responded, "You're not going to get any out there, either!" Laughs all around.
We walked back to the campground and then up the hill to our little house. We sat for a bit. The day warmed up a little but the high clouds started coming in (rain later is the forecast). I went back to the clubhouse and hooked up the modem and started (slowly - poor connection) receiving the e-mail.
A pair of ladies came in and arranged place settings on a table, sort of reserving a spot for the pot-luck tonight. That sounded reasonable, so after the e-mail finally finished, I came back up the hill, got a pair of plates and went back down the hill to do the same. Then I came back up the hill again. If I live through all this hill-climbing, I'll be in terrific aerobic shape.
Then I made the devilled eggs for tonight, which takes more time than one might think. Then we did the laundry; I was dangerously low on jeans. All-in-all, it took $10.50CDN to do the four loads and dry them. After that, it was shower time and then sitting around until the festivities begin. The eagles (the owner says he knows of four sitting pair close to the campground) are swooping around and picking food out of the water.
...... (later) ....
It started raining just before the dinner was to start. We wound up driving the truck down the hill and parking it close to the clubhouse. We added our contribution to the "groaning board" of dishes. I took some pictures so we can leave them for Pat & Val Ryan, the owners of the campground.
We ate well; there were many good dishes and the beef was also good. The prize awards were fun for the crowd; they could razz their friends who won (or didn't win).
The people next to us talked for a while. A guy they know was on his way to Alaska and stopped here. After several days, he called the people he was to travel with and told them he couldn't make it. Then he bought a boat and now he comes here every summer. The person talking was from Orange County CA and comes for two months every summer.
We ran into a couple from Springfield, VA. Dick is a retired Navy officer and Joan is his wife. They travel about seven months a year in their motor home. They're at home for the football season, Thanksgiving, and Christmas; then they hit the road for Florida. Later, they come out here for a month. Now, they're headed for New York and Maine (Boothbay). He formed a corporation so he could register the motor home in Montana (no sales tax) and saved $20k by avoiding Virginia sales tax (big motor home).
Everyone had a good time.
We came back to the little house to watch TV or read and settle in. We move on tomorrow.