20030706 Open new window with today’s pictures.
July 06, 2003
Start: Bear River RV Park, Stewart BC End: Mountain Shadow RV Park & CG, Iskut BC Miles: 195 Hi Temp: 65.3 Lo Temp: 53.1
Today was rather unexciting, but for a couple of moments.
We pulled out of Stewart BC, and proceeded to Bear Glacier to retake the pictures we took coming in - those weren't much good. Then we continued up the Bear River and on to Meziadin Jct. We fueled up there ($2.12 US per gallon, 21 gallons).
We went on. Dolores was saying that bears are figments of somebody's imagination, and that there are no bears in BC, since she hadn't seen one yet. Then we ran past two of them (black bears) eating alongside the road. We were in an awkward position to take pictures, so we didn't.
A while after that, a coyote sauntered across the road. He kept moving, so we couldn't take his picture. Some time later, I saw a black bear crossing the road to my side; he joined another bear but then moved on. The second bear was busy eating and didn't care what I did. So I pulled up next to him and took several pictures.
We went on, and came to the unincorporated village of Iskut. We stopped at the store to buy a few groceries, and topped off the diesel. Fuel cost here - $2.49 US per gallon. That's a new record for the truck.
The campground we're in is only a couple km beyond that store. It's several hundred yards off the road. Our site overlooks a pond (actually a small bay of a bigger lake that's out of sight around a bend). The owners say they see moose daily, so we'll look for them this afternoon/evening.
It's now 4:08pm and it's Quiet! We'll take it easy and walk and read and go to bed later. No TV, of course.
Dinner will be steak and corn-on-the-cob, with wines.