20070717 Saskatoon SK (Sixteen West RV Park) 310 miles Cool AM, warm PM
We got a good start and knocked out the trip in less than six hours.
Down off the hill, onto Canada 1 to Swift Current SK, then SK-4 north to Rosetown, SK-7 to Saskatoon. Temperature was much nicer than down below - 86*F max.
The drive was uneventful and the terrain was flat, so there's not much to remark on.
Saskatoon, on the other hand, seems to have most streets under construction. We got directions to go to Home Depot and the Mall. The route to Home Depot was straightforward, but construction (closed lanes) made it longer than normal. The route to the Mall was closed, requiring an ad-hoc re-route, but we got there & got groceries. Coming back to the park, the two right lanes (of 3) closed, so we took another ad-hoc re-route to the north and came out ok.
We put the groceries aside & went to dinner at J. B. Peppercorns Steak & Seafood. D had ribs, I had a Jambalya, both good. We got back to the house without getting killed (there is a segment of the population that ignores traffic laws).
We're comfortable in the little house as the sun is setting. The campground is full. Canadians like their RV's and use them to hold family reunions in various locations. We saw one trailer come in and park next to another; when the parking was done, there were hugs and handshakes all round.
Now it's time to catch up on internet chores.