Friday, January 23, 2009
Went in to see LeQuack yesterday to review progress since the end of chemo. He listened to me, poked and prodded, and said I was in good shape.
We reviewed past CT/PET scans and scheduled both thorax and abdomen scans for next Monday, the 26th. I will return 1/28 to LeQuack for a review of the scans and what they show next Wednesday. If the scans are good, I will be scheduled for another review in four months.
He also did blood analysis. Seems to me everything is going back to normal. I also seem to feel less numbness than I did four months ago.
I told him I still had the LifePort inside, since we'd had to be out of town for a long period in October and November sort of got away from us. We agreed to continue the monthly flushes and that I'd schedule the surgery to remove it *after* the next colonoscopy (currently scheduled 1 April, but I think I'll move it up) , when hopefully there'll be no sign of this disease in me.
Went in to see LeQuack yesterday to review progress since the end of chemo. He listened to me, poked and prodded, and said I was in good shape.
We reviewed past CT/PET scans and scheduled both thorax and abdomen scans for next Monday, the 26th. I will return 1/28 to LeQuack for a review of the scans and what they show next Wednesday. If the scans are good, I will be scheduled for another review in four months.
He also did blood analysis. Seems to me everything is going back to normal. I also seem to feel less numbness than I did four months ago.
I told him I still had the LifePort inside, since we'd had to be out of town for a long period in October and November sort of got away from us. We agreed to continue the monthly flushes and that I'd schedule the surgery to remove it *after* the next colonoscopy (currently scheduled 1 April, but I think I'll move it up) , when hopefully there'll be no sign of this disease in me.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
LeQuack briefed me on the analysis of the CT scans of chest and abdomen done two days ago.
Simply put, there's no sign any cancer is growing in me.
Only one hurdle left, the annual colonoscopy scheduled for mid-March. Wow!!
LeQuack briefed me on the analysis of the CT scans of chest and abdomen done two days ago.
Simply put, there's no sign any cancer is growing in me.
Only one hurdle left, the annual colonoscopy scheduled for mid-March. Wow!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Well, the post-chemo 1-year colonoscopy took place today.
The surgical scar where the 25-cm length was removed is clean, and there are no polyps to be seen. The doctor advocates a high-fiber diet, of course.
No further colonoscopies are needed for three years.... yay!!!
Well, the post-chemo 1-year colonoscopy took place today.
The surgical scar where the 25-cm length was removed is clean, and there are no polyps to be seen. The doctor advocates a high-fiber diet, of course.
No further colonoscopies are needed for three years.... yay!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The life port that was used to get chemicals into me during the chemotherapy phase of this disease was removed in out-patient surgery this morning.
The anesthesia was light, so I could hear and understand what was happening but could feel no pain. Rather interesting. Woke up quickly after that.
We arrived at 5:15 am and left at about 9:00 am. Dolores drove home since I was "under the influence of drugs".
I'm resting, doing the computer, and taking it easy today.
Back to normal tomorrow, and hopefully for the rest of my life.
The life port that was used to get chemicals into me during the chemotherapy phase of this disease was removed in out-patient surgery this morning.
The anesthesia was light, so I could hear and understand what was happening but could feel no pain. Rather interesting. Woke up quickly after that.
We arrived at 5:15 am and left at about 9:00 am. Dolores drove home since I was "under the influence of drugs".
I'm resting, doing the computer, and taking it easy today.
Back to normal tomorrow, and hopefully for the rest of my life.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
LeQuack (my oncologist) and I had a periodic review of my status today. We discussed some questions I had (yes, I can now receive flu shots)(no, I cannot give blood until September)(yes, my fingertip numbing improvement (less numb now) is normal).
He had blood drawn for a CEA (an indicator like PSA for prostate cancer) analysis.
I'm to return in four months (10/22/09) for another discussion and scheduling of CT scan(s) for followup. Till then, I live a normal life.... !!
LeQuack (my oncologist) and I had a periodic review of my status today. We discussed some questions I had (yes, I can now receive flu shots)(no, I cannot give blood until September)(yes, my fingertip numbing improvement (less numb now) is normal).
He had blood drawn for a CEA (an indicator like PSA for prostate cancer) analysis.
I'm to return in four months (10/22/09) for another discussion and scheduling of CT scan(s) for followup. Till then, I live a normal life.... !!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I noticed last week that, for the first time in a year, I could feel the little nubs on the "F" and "J" keys on the keyboard. So I tested the feeling in the toes and feet.
Sure enough, the numbness becoming less noticeable.
Since my last chemo with oxaliplatin took place last July, it appears I'm somewhere near average in this recovery. Perhaps I can look forward to year-end to be rid of this annoyance.
Still, I'm recovering from Stage III colon cancer and I'm very happy with my current status.
Some of the numbness went away, but I still have and always will have about the 50% I felt then. I notice it most in the bottoms of the feet and in the fingertips. Oxylaplatin is a bitch.
I noticed last week that, for the first time in a year, I could feel the little nubs on the "F" and "J" keys on the keyboard. So I tested the feeling in the toes and feet.
Sure enough, the numbness becoming less noticeable.
Since my last chemo with oxaliplatin took place last July, it appears I'm somewhere near average in this recovery. Perhaps I can look forward to year-end to be rid of this annoyance.
Still, I'm recovering from Stage III colon cancer and I'm very happy with my current status.
Some of the numbness went away, but I still have and always will have about the 50% I felt then. I notice it most in the bottoms of the feet and in the fingertips. Oxylaplatin is a bitch.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Back to see LeQuack on the 29th of October. I brought my non-cancer-related bloodwork, done at the direction of my GP, for his observation. He saw nothing wrong there, then had blood drawn for CEA analysis and Liver Function Analysis to establish a baseline for future analyses.
He notes that he will schedule CT scans after our next meeting, scheduled 2/25/2010.
He gave no specific directions, so I'm back to doing what I want.
….Update 11/18/09.. all blood test parameters within limits.
Back to see LeQuack on the 29th of October. I brought my non-cancer-related bloodwork, done at the direction of my GP, for his observation. He saw nothing wrong there, then had blood drawn for CEA analysis and Liver Function Analysis to establish a baseline for future analyses.
He notes that he will schedule CT scans after our next meeting, scheduled 2/25/2010.
He gave no specific directions, so I'm back to doing what I want.
….Update 11/18/09.. all blood test parameters within limits.