We waited for traffic rush hour to subside before we hit the road at 9:30. South on I-95, around Providence on I-295 back to I-95, to Exit 92 in Connecticut. Then one block to the campground. Nothing unusual to remark on, just the normal goofy drivers in lousy weather.
We set up and got the heater running, which felt great. We warmed ourselves and sat for a while.
The clouds broke a little, so we decided to take a drive around our old stomping grounds (1971-1978) here. We went to the Sub Base exchange and bought a few things. Then out the back gate to Oakdale where we lived. We got lost a couple of times but finally found the house and took pictures of it. The mailbox is the same one we put up back then. The driveway is still gravel.
We went over the hills to Route 85 and went to New London. In the process, we noted that Route 11 (an interstate-quality road intended at one time to connect to I-95) is still not completed. Folks here are still talking about it thirty-eight years later. Incredible.
From New London we went into Groton and stopped at the USSVI (submarine vets) building. I had a couple beers while D had a pino grigio. We chatted with the permittee and learned some things, and re-learned others.
Then we went out to the Fisherman restaurant (formerly the Yankee Fisherman). The owner has been really fixing the place up. It looks very nice now, with new sun-rooms and a patio outside next to the water. The food was very good. D had her lobster.
I made a few phone calls and set up a meeting of old submariners tomorrow. Should be fun.
Then we settled....
5/30/2009 Mystic CT Warm (finally) and sunny.
We got up slowly and just took it easy for the morning. I bought a package of replacement latches for the compartment doors on the trailer and replaced one. We printed a few pictures in preparation for the afternoon.
We went to the Pump Room at the USSVI Groton Base building to meet former buddies from the submarine service. Pete Fazio with wife Kathy showed up and so did Ray Stanis and Bill Dawson.
We told what we'd been doing and what had been done to us, then we got into old stories, and told a few jokes. We laughed and laughed. I haven't had that much fun in a long time and Dolores enjoyed it, too. A lot of water has passed over the bridge (think about it) since we served together. I met Stanis in 1960, for instance.
After the two-and-a-half hour session, I took D to church at St Patrick's in Mystic. I went off and got fuel for the truck. Then we went to the Steak Loft at Olde Mystick Village for steaks - quite good.
Then we came back to the trailer to take it easy.
A great day.
Bill, Owen, Dolores, Pete, Kathy, Ray

5/31/2009 Mystic CT Warm (low 70's), sunny.
This was sort of a lost day. Ray called to say he wasn't feeling well and was going to take a nap. We went into the USSVI branch for brunch, very good. Said hi to John Carcioppolo and chatted with him for a bit.
We returned to Olde Mystick Village shopping center and walked through it. Bought a couple of things in the Scandinavian shop. Then Dolores started feeling uneasy, so we went back to the little house.
We sat around doing a lot of nothing. Ray called later to say he had slept a long time but feels better. We chatted for a bit, and agree to stay in touch.
Then we just sort of settled in gradually, preparing to move as we did.