Staying with Glenn & Marylou, our good friends since 1969.
Up around eight and breakfast. Then we got ambitious and took a drive up into the 4,000' altitude at Julian, California. Dolores and I had visited there during our courtship and hadn't been back in 45 years. It hadn't changed a whole lot, but the Rong Branch Saloon no longer exists. We did a little shopping and then went for lunch to the Julian Grille, located in an old house and quaint as all get our. The half-sandwich and salad was just right and very tasty. We did some more shopping and bought an apple pie since it's apple season there.

We drove back down to Lakeside and through the FFA sale of dinner. Alan & Tami were working the affair and Blake was around somewhere. At least I could shake Alan's hand while we picked up the meal-for-four of BBQ, beans, baked spud, roll, slaw, and more. We took it home and ate well.
Then, after some confusion, Carla and her Paul showed up with David. David went off to play and the rest of us talked. Paul's a retired Chief Cook from the Navy. We had a wonderful time talking about current and past times.
Finally we all went off to be around 2200 and slept like logs.
We rose at eight and joined Glenn & Lou. We just nibbled for breakfast because the lunch was coming up.
Then we all drove into SD and past our first home, the apartment at 4811 Bermuda Avenue, SD, in the Ocean Beach area (one house from the Pacific). It's still there and looks to be in good condition. Then on to Jimmy's Favorite Tavern on the waterfront near the old Fleet Sonar School.
There we were, the Jacksons, us, Hal & Marge Smith, Jim & Gayle Watring, and Bing & Saidia. The guys sat at one table and the gals at the adjacent one, and that seemed to work out well. The food was good and the talk was great. We all caught up on things and kids and travels and what-have-you.
We returned to the Jacksons. Emmy came in and left to go to a concert, all dressed up in dress and boots, looking quite Western. The four of us settled in and started chatting. Eventually we got out the wine and chatted some more. Then Glenn made up a scratch meal of leftovers plus tomatoes and so forth for us to make own sandwiches. Then we had the apple pie from Julian. That was enough food after all we've been eating.
Then we went back to chatting and soon found it was 2200. So we all went to bed, happy as can be.