We’ll look Brighton over and try to find out why it’s a popular resort area for UK people. We’ll stay in this funky hotel named “Pelirocco”, which is something of a rock museum and performance place. http://www.hotelpelirocco.co.uk/
When done there, we’ll train back to London to our hotel there (next page).
We woke on the plane to a nice fruit-and-croissant breakfast. Landed, walked down the boarding ramp into the bus, which conveyed us to Terminal 5. We were fast-checked thru immigration, and looked for our driver. No driver. Another firm’s driver called the firm and found he’d be arriving shortly. He did.
We loaded up and rode in the firm’s Mercedes to Brighton in mist and occasional rain. He dropped us at the hotel.
We went into the bar and found it was also the front desk. They gave us room 3, the Gresham Blake http://www.hotelpelirocco.co.uk/pelirocco-rooms
Getting to the room was an adventure; the lift is rated for two persons without luggage. About the size of a phone booth, but shorter. Finally, I sent D and some luggage up and walked up with the rest. During the second day, I refused to get in the thing due to the noises and unique behavior.
The Gresham Blake is probably the least funky room in the place, but it has some cute things going on, such as cloth-and-papier-mache deer heads.
We didn’t give ourselves a chance to rest - we went straight out and started hiking the town. Then we found a HOHO bus and rode it around town to see where things are. Definitely a beach town with amusements but a beach of rocks. You’ll have to look at the pictures, but I’m too tired to do them tonight.
Going out to eat. Returned after eating at the Regency Square restaurant down the street, and took another stroll along the wider part of the English Channel.
The picture below is of the Brighton Pier, a recreation center and major attraction. Yes, there were wind-surfers in the water for the lifeguards to watch. Note the beach surface.
When we returned to the room we found we’d hiked five miles. We looked at TV for 30 seconds, then fell asleep totally tired out.
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Up at 0700, did some computer stuff. Went down to breakfast to find they weren’t yet open, so we returned to the room and will go again at 0800.
Weather for today is forecast to be mid-60’s, cloudy in the AM, sun coming out in the afternoon. Windy (10-20 mph).
Breakfast was good, then we hit the beach westbound into Hove. The wind was up, and we decided to get out of it. So we walked inland, then right (east) to go to the mall (Churchill Square). We got there by a devious route, getting lost once more. The mall is a standard US-type thing.
D found a few things in a toy store that we can bring home. We needed assistance to get out of the damn mall in the proper direction. Then we walked back to the hotel for Tylenol. We put up our feet and rested for an hour or so.
Then we hit the streets again. We wandered around the beach, then down to the Brighton Pier. If you’ve ever been in an old-time American money-separator, you’ve been here.
Huge arcades with games at a tuppence a play and rewards in paper tickets that you can accumulate and cash in at the end of the day.
There are rides of all sorts for all ages; 20 pounds per adult all day, 7 pounds kids all day every ride. We took a bunch of pictures, which I hope to manage in the lounge in a bit. The odd one was the Crazy Mouse, where a cup with people in it spins while traversing a track like a roller coaster.
We went around one more time on the Hop-On-Hop-Off bus. Then we walked up thru the cultural district (churches, museums, etc.). The walk continue thru little tiny lanes selling all sorts of interesting things.
Finally, we got back to Regency Square and into the Regency restaurant. D had halibut & chips, I had a Salad Nicoise, with a bottle of Chilean Pinot Noir.
Up, then to the room, where I’m doing these computer chores and D is watching TV and telling me there will be a train strike on the line from here to London. We were going to London by train tomorrow, but at noon; perhaps we’ll get by.
We took a look at our iPhone pedometers and found we’d walked a little over six miles today. So we called it a night, except for these computer chores that I’m doing in the lounge with a London Pale Ale close by.
I finished what I was doing and chatted a bit with Leslie and George about the architectural impact the British Air i360 will have on the neighborhood. General comment was that it is gross.
Went to bed after that. Tomorrow London.