3 September
Rather a dismal day today. Overcast with low clouds, some rain. Till now, the weather had been beautiful for Scotland and pretty good for anywhere else, like Wisconsin or Seattle. Could be worse. Mustn't grumble, etc.
We slept in. It felt very nice to not have any obligation this morning. In fact we turned away the room cleaners, saying we'd do quite well by ourselves.
Finally we felt guilty and left the hotel. Rain. Put on rain-gear and started again. Wandered down a street off the Square and back into Saint Enoch's Shopping Center. Bought a few items.
Then we had lunch in Eddie's "Easy Eats", a 60's style hamburger joint with jukeboxes and american burgers, etc. Pretty good, especially the jukebox playing Everly Brothers.
We found a few small things in little stores. Then we headed home.
Not a very active day, but we needed a slow one.
Glasgow - Google Maps Link
No Photos

4 September
Today we moved from Scotland to Ireland (Republic of). Taxi to GLA airport, fly Stobart to DUB, taxi to Wynn's Hotel in Lower Abbey Street (we've stayed here a number of times now).
The photo to the right is of O'Connell Street with the GPO in right-center. The General Post Office was the headquarters during the 1916 "rising".
We had a great conversation with Mr Larkin, our taxi driver, on the way in from the airport. He had us laughing and we had him entertained as well. He was talking about the Irish air force scooping up old airplanes and replacing the engines with rubber bands that could be wound to turn the prop. There was a bit about the commercial shipping fleet being more powerful than the Navy. He was saying that he was talking with his daughter about getting grandchildren and saying "YOU'RE 28, WHEN?".
We checked in at Wynn's at got room 403, which I think we've had before - I'll have to check past entries. Then we hiked to Carroll's and bought a post-card, walked to the GPO for a stamp and mailed it.
Then to the Grand Central pub for a pub dinner that was quite good. We enjoyed it before and did again.
We walked then to Wynn's but Carol Janette spotted us on the street. She's running the tour we start tomorrow with husband Phil. So we chatted until Phil drove up with the tour group ending today from their Go West tour. Carol says there's one couple going with us tomorrow that will complete their doing of three tours right in a row. We, of course, will complete our third tour with them at the end of this one.
When we told her about not really wanting to repeat a tour she mentioned they change something every year to make it different. So we'll have to examine their offerings again, perhaps in a couple of years.
We chatted for a while about Seattle and Scotland and the Lake District. We'll see her at 0820 tomorrow.
Then D went in but I took a hike. M&S had something i wanted. Then I got into a shopping mall I couldn't get out of but to go back the way I came in. Down then to the River Liffey, across the Ha'Penny bridge, along the Liffey to the east to J Sweetman Craft Brewing, where I obtained a great IPA. Then I came back to the room to make up the suitcases for the trip and rest.
Not many photos today
Link to Google Maps of downtown Dublin
Map of our tour starting tomorrow