30 May 2019
Torsdag. Arrive 0800, depart 1700.
The ship is berthed at Quay 30, in the industrial area, rather than the Cruise terminal where a Princess ship is tied up. The nearest man-made thing is the set of corn silos used in importing corn.
Trondheim tourist web page
Trondheim tourist map link - new page
Google Maps link opens in new page

Photo Link
But where we berthed didn't make much difference, since Trondheim is closed today. Holiday. Lady at tourist information center said, "Everything is closed."
The dotted blue line on the map above is the recommended way to walk to town from the quay at left. So I did that and continued to the information center. It's a nice place, with wifi and some souvenirs. I got some e-mail and departed.
I gave up on doing anything in town and walked to the tram. I rode it back partway and hiked the rest. My iPhone pedometer says 2.5 miles, and I believe it.
So my plans here are drek. We stay aboard the rest of the day. I'll probably read a book.
The day brightened later. We four did team trivia for 12 correct - the winners had 14. We chatted and observed alternating rain and sun in the Crow's Nest during the two-fer. We listened to the commentary as the ship got underway and started down the fjord. We broke then met at dinner, which was really good. Also we had a great view of the islands as we went toward the sea.
Finally we gave up to return to the cabin. I finished The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams after his death - very good.
Now I'm doing my evening G&T. Looking at the screen, we're doing 18.3 knots due north at 64*31'. That will put us quite close to the Arctic Circle in the morning.

Fredag - at sea. At 1430 our position is 68*50.33'N, 12*13.13E. No sunset nor sunrise. Excellent weather - partly sunny, temperature 43*f.
Up, ate, back to cabin.
O went to the port description lecture for Hammerfest and Honnigsvåg by Helene. The piers to which we will tie up are not optimal and in at least one case will require shuttles to the town. More on this when we get there.
While O was gone, D suffered a major attack and got into the Immodium. So we're hanging around the cabin for now.
Last night I received a query from Charlie Jett for a friend asking about 3D sonars. So I investigated that for a while and composed a note to be sent to Charlie and his friend Charlie Plumb.
O & D & F did the Trivia with help from Gabriella (?) and did well but not well enough. It was a Travel Trivia and had some hard questions. Where was Freddie Mercuri born?
Sip'n'Savor (with D recovering) followed with an interesting Spanish white. More chatting.
Dinner at 1900 with wine-guy Ricardo was fun. Everyone ordered the filet mignon and everyone was less than thrilled with it. But it's tough doing filet for several hundred. A merchantmen came by in the opposite direction.
Then we retired to cabin. We put away our laundry return and then settled in for the night.
Last position: 70*28.61'N, 17*26.81E.