2/11/19 Monday
Up at 0445 and to the lobby to catch the 0545 shuttle to the airport. Moto met us and away we went. Temp -18*F with ice pellets. YXY has two gates, a miniature airport, but it acts like a biggie; same security, same boarding process. The flight to Calgary was departing. We waited awhile, then boarded Air North 505 very efficiently.
The flight went well, nice little breakfast served, landed on time. Vancouver airport had snow & slush all over. Got luggage, went to car and headed out. Problem with paying for parking but S will handle it. Roads to the US border were ok.
The wait at the border into the US was its usual slow show to me, but S&B said it was fast by comparison with their other trips here. Just past the border we got the first snow band. The snow lightened for a while but got rather heavy from Marysville on in. S&B decided to drop us and go home vice eating and hanging around with us. Good move.
We checked into the airport Hilton and got a very nice room. Soon afterward, we received a note from S&B that they'd arrived home safely.
The weather forecaster said the snow would transition to rain, and it did. We went to the lobby and had drinks, then dinner. I had their salmon, very good. Then off to bed for another early wakeup.
Up at 0445 and to the lobby to catch the 0545 shuttle to the airport. Moto met us and away we went. Temp -18*F with ice pellets. YXY has two gates, a miniature airport, but it acts like a biggie; same security, same boarding process. The flight to Calgary was departing. We waited awhile, then boarded Air North 505 very efficiently.
The flight went well, nice little breakfast served, landed on time. Vancouver airport had snow & slush all over. Got luggage, went to car and headed out. Problem with paying for parking but S will handle it. Roads to the US border were ok.
The wait at the border into the US was its usual slow show to me, but S&B said it was fast by comparison with their other trips here. Just past the border we got the first snow band. The snow lightened for a while but got rather heavy from Marysville on in. S&B decided to drop us and go home vice eating and hanging around with us. Good move.
We checked into the airport Hilton and got a very nice room. Soon afterward, we received a note from S&B that they'd arrived home safely.
The weather forecaster said the snow would transition to rain, and it did. We went to the lobby and had drinks, then dinner. I had their salmon, very good. Then off to bed for another early wakeup.

2/12/19 Monday
Up at 0445 for the 0525 shuttle to the airport. Moderate rain, snow turning to slush, snow warning changed to flood warning.
The photo at right is from seat 3A of the ramp at SEA. Slush. Yuk. Glad we're going back to warm.
Link to the last few photos.
Back onto Delta 2762 & 2104 thru ATL to JAX 0725-1756. Started late out of SEA due to the late arrival of the cabin crew and the de-icing evolution. But once in the air, the 737-900 scurried with a 120mph tail wind. We arrived on time.
We had to change concourses at ATL of course, from D to A. So we didn't have to wait long to board. The short flight went well after some cargo-loading delayed departure.
We claimed our Hertz car and drove home. End of journey.
Thanks for coming along.
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