First - to Seattle
Scheduled time 0935-1437 (local) using DL 2712 to Atlanta ATL, then DL 2817 to Seattle-Tacoma SEA
Actual: Both flights were on-time. Excellent.
Up, loaded the rental car, drove to airport, gave the car back, checked in, went through security, and went to the gate. There, we discovered D didn't have a boarding pass for the flight (how did she pass security?) and I didn't have a boarding pass for the connecting flight. No idea how it happened, but the gate agent fixed it.
In the concourse at Atlanta, the sole of my right Sebago chukka shoe came off - it had been glued on and stayed there for many years. Very funny feeling. Glad I brought a pair of Skecher sneakers, but that won't do in snow. Must find a shoe store and get a new pair of chukkas or similar.
We taxi'd to the Hotel Mediterranean, the daughter-recommended hotel in the Queen Anne district of Seattle. We settled in, then called S&B; they came over and chatted for a while.
First - to Seattle
Scheduled time 0935-1437 (local) using DL 2712 to Atlanta ATL, then DL 2817 to Seattle-Tacoma SEA
Actual: Both flights were on-time. Excellent.
Up, loaded the rental car, drove to airport, gave the car back, checked in, went through security, and went to the gate. There, we discovered D didn't have a boarding pass for the flight (how did she pass security?) and I didn't have a boarding pass for the connecting flight. No idea how it happened, but the gate agent fixed it.
In the concourse at Atlanta, the sole of my right Sebago chukka shoe came off - it had been glued on and stayed there for many years. Very funny feeling. Glad I brought a pair of Skecher sneakers, but that won't do in snow. Must find a shoe store and get a new pair of chukkas or similar.
We taxi'd to the Hotel Mediterranean, the daughter-recommended hotel in the Queen Anne district of Seattle. We settled in, then called S&B; they came over and chatted for a while.

The picture above (in summer, of course) shows the view from the roof deck of the Mediteranean Inn toward the Space Needle and the downtown part of Seattle. Mount Rainier is in the distance on the far right.
Our daughter and husband live on the border of the Ballard and Fremont districts of Seattle with our three grand-cats. We're not strictly allergic to the little creatures but we sneeze after a while. The Med Inn is a good location between their place and downtown, so we can go either way and have fun. Public transportation passes within a block or two going both ways. So we don't have to always be in their way. It's within a few blocks of the Space Needle complex called Seattle Center.
Our daughter and husband live on the border of the Ballard and Fremont districts of Seattle with our three grand-cats. We're not strictly allergic to the little creatures but we sneeze after a while. The Med Inn is a good location between their place and downtown, so we can go either way and have fun. Public transportation passes within a block or two going both ways. So we don't have to always be in their way. It's within a few blocks of the Space Needle complex called Seattle Center.
The picture below shows what the roof deck looked like this afternoon. We got here just in time for the first snow day in Seattle this year. Whoopee!!

After dining, we walked back to the hotel. Then I walked a block to the Safeway to get fruit for the morning - when we intend to loaf.
Looks like the Patriots won Super Bowl LIII. I don't care but B's a big Patriot fan.
Now to relax.

We woke early of course, still on EST.
In Queen Anne, we found about 2" of new snow on the building roof next door. Lots of closings. Some crashes where cars started sliding downhill but couldn't stop. And tomorrow there's a high wind alert, oh joy.
The picture at right was taken by S out her front window in Fremont/Ballard.
So we loafed in the room with coffee and the i-Things. Later I went down to the in-house Starbucks and brought back pastries. Also got replacement in-room coffee bags from the desk (very accommodating people here).
About noon, I decided I could get replacement chukka boots if I were careful. So I downloaded the Transit Go app, which allows you to purchase a bus ticket against whatever card you enable. With the ticket displayed on the device, I was good for two hours of Metro Transit bus service.
I hopped onto the "D" Rapid Ride at the stop in the next block & off at 3rd & Pike downtown. Nordstrom's is at 5th & Pine, three blocks away. Went there, bought a pair of good Ecco chukkas, then returned on the "D" line to 1st & Republican, a block from the hotel. Worked out great, but some of the sidewalks required caution and some of the streets were still slushy (the buses had light-duty chains on the rear wheels). Yay - I got something done. And got back within the two-hour ticket validity.
Then we corresponded with S&B, agreeing to let them stay home and safe and that we'd find a nearby place to eat. We'll do what we do best in snowy places - loaf and stay warm.
Through the afternoon the visibility increased. First we could see downtown buildings (our window faces south), then West Seattle, then some distant mountains (the Olympics). Finally the sun popped out just before it set in a blaze of red. Red sky at night, etc…..? We'll see tomorrow.
We loafed some more and did computer things. Then came the subject of food. D didn't want to go out (wind, cold), so I did another trip to Safeway and came home with assorted things for "dinner".
After that, we just loafed and faded.
I hopped onto the "D" Rapid Ride at the stop in the next block & off at 3rd & Pike downtown. Nordstrom's is at 5th & Pine, three blocks away. Went there, bought a pair of good Ecco chukkas, then returned on the "D" line to 1st & Republican, a block from the hotel. Worked out great, but some of the sidewalks required caution and some of the streets were still slushy (the buses had light-duty chains on the rear wheels). Yay - I got something done. And got back within the two-hour ticket validity.
Then we corresponded with S&B, agreeing to let them stay home and safe and that we'd find a nearby place to eat. We'll do what we do best in snowy places - loaf and stay warm.
Through the afternoon the visibility increased. First we could see downtown buildings (our window faces south), then West Seattle, then some distant mountains (the Olympics). Finally the sun popped out just before it set in a blaze of red. Red sky at night, etc…..? We'll see tomorrow.
We loafed some more and did computer things. Then came the subject of food. D didn't want to go out (wind, cold), so I did another trip to Safeway and came home with assorted things for "dinner".
After that, we just loafed and faded.

We did in-room coffee and pastries and computer stuff until we agreed with S that she'd pick us up at 10:30. She did, and took us to the Nordic Museum at 2455 NW Market. It's a fantastic new building with great exhibits. The current visiting exhibit concerns the Vikings and has quite a few priceless items displayed. It's here from Uppsala University in Sweden.
Link to the Nordic Museum pictures. You might want to manually advance slowly so you can read the signs.
I can't say enough about this place. Perhaps the best way is to say that when we return this summer, I'll send the others off and spend two full days here. It will occupy at least that much time. Since there's a nice little cafe in it, I won't even have to leave the building. And admission is free for me because we are members of a reciprocal privileges museum.
I can, however give a rough description of the facility. it has a long high hall down the center of the long building. An auditorium used for lectures and performances is to the right. The cafe and admission are to the left. The visiting exhibit fills the remainder of the left side.
On the higher floor, the exhibits are displayed in order of time from pre-historic to the emigration time to about the '50s - all down the left side of the floor. On the right side are the exhibits from the immigration period to today in the Pacific Northwest.
I'll put up a slideshow when I get home of the wonderful things we saw. For now, I'll tease you with a shot of part of the hall of the old period - at right.

I'm showing the menu for Freya here, and there's another for alcoholic beverages.
Then we went to S&B's house to chat and to see the grand cats. The grand cats are aging but still active. The alpha cat is still very much the king and proved it while we watched.
S described what's going on in her neighborhood. One thing bugging here is that two houses behind theirs are to be torn down to build townhomes, but in the meantime homeless people are using them. She realizes the homeless problem in Seattle but doesn't want them to have to live that way.
She took us back to the inn and dropped us, since they have a session tonight. We sat around for a bit, but then walked two blocks to T S McHughs' pub on Mercer. Shepherd's pie for D and Fish-n-Chips for me were devoured with drinks. Very satisfactory, and good service by Eric.
Now we're doing little things and waiting for the various appraisals of President Trump's State of the Union address.
Then to read and relax.
Well, the State of the Union address seems to have gone over well with the public, but totally dissed by the Democratic representatives in Congress.
We had a great day. We laid in for a while, then called up a Lyft to transport us to lunch.
He drove a funny route but arrived at Serious Pie & Biscuit Company on Westlake. There we met our favorite tour people, Carolyn and Phil of Inroads Ireland. We've been users of their services on four tours of Ireland and enjoyed every one.
So we had the chance over biscuits and drink to relive some of them and learn about some of their tour changes upcoming. Beyond that, they're great travelers, all over the world, and we always learn something we should do from them. We like to think we give them a little in return. They gave us their best wishes for the remainder of our Yukon agenda and walked off up Westlake to their office. Remarkable people and so much fun.
Another Lyft took us to our daughter's place. My starboard hearing aid's battery ran out about this time, so I took a walk to the nearby Fred Meyer store for replacements. In my absence my daughter and wife filmed some sort of thing on an application called Twitch. When I returned, they were still at it upstairs with talk and laughter. I stayed down and pawed through a cookbook we'd given them and petted a grandcat. Tomorrow I can view the show.
B came home from work. We agreed we'd go to Hy-Life. Once there, we pointed to the booth wherein we'd spent our most expensive lunch ever - when we signed up with Carolyn and Phil (above) last February, to the tune of $5,000+ for the tour this past summer. Carolyn convinced us, then we said ok. She popped out her Square and ran the credit card. Bing!! and done. We don't regret it. And it makes a great story.
The Hy-Life food was good but it was more fun talking with B&S about company things and Bitcoins and what we'll do tomorrow and much more.
Then they drove us back to the Med Inn and we're in agreement about tomorrow. Now to finish this and sleep.