This day started out poorly. Both D & O had severe attacks of green-apple-quick-step or Montezuma's Revenge in the night. So we rose late and stayed in cabin until we felt more confident. Ordered in a pot of coffee and made do with that.
There is a reason no photo slide-shows have been published lately. We have taken so many pictures that the Photos app is having trouble synchronizing them with the stored photos in iCloud. At this moment there are about 329 photos taken that have not yet been inserted into the iCloud library due to the limited internet connection on board ship.
For a period in two days the internet was down (R).

Fran said she saw a news blurb that a Viking ship approaching Ushuaia had been hit by a rogue wave resulting in a lady being killed and four people injured. Nothing more at this time.
D did her once per trip statistical study into how long it takes to lose $20 at the slot machines. This trip it was about 20 minutes.
Picture at left taken yesterday since there wasn't anything to see today. We passed between these rocks and the shore leaving Pisco.
We did dinner with F/D in the Dining Room, seated just over the wake. Early turn-in.

Slept in, still recovering. Clocks set ahead another hour to conform with Santiago time.
Then, out of nowhere, O had another diarrhea attack. After re-dressing we tried to do Team Trivia but received a note from F/D that they would not attend since they wanted to stay close to the head. We came back to the cabin, O changed into leisure clothes.
D went off and came back with hamburgers for lunch.
Picture (R) shows us doing 18 knots heading for Coquimbo, Chile to arrive tomorrow morning early.

The saga continues… Now D has explosive diarrhea, while O is still somewhat affected.
We cancelled our trip ashore for today, though we might try to walk the pier later. Fran says she has a full-blown case of diverticulitis and will consult the medical people aboard. Duane seems to be ok, but can't go anywhere with all three of us out of action.
O did a small breakfast in the Lido and brought back coffee. D only wanted the coffee.

Fran is in isolation after visiting medical. Medical folks said many people have diarrhea and all seem to have visited the Hacienda and horse show. Aha!!
The cross (R) is "Cruz Del Tercer Milenio", or Cross of the Third Millennium. It stands in a park of religious statues and figures. Elevators take you to the arms for viewing the surrounding area and the bay.
We began preparations to disembark tomorrow. By 1500 we were both packed but for what we're wearing and the computers we're using.
Underway about 1600, a simple back out turn 180* and depart the port with appropriate hooting.
Fran wanted time to pack, so Duane and O met in the Pinnacle Bar for a Martini/Gibson and chat. We talked about all sorts of things from Aukland to Caterpillar. Then back to the cabins.

We woke up in San Antonio this morning. O didn't sleep well. D is nearing recovery but O is still very loose. We'll remember this for a long time.
Breakfast in the Lido, noted that our bags were gone from the hall. We did sort of the usual disembarkation routine, waiting for them to call our number and color. Then we boarded shuttle buses to the huge hall. Our Covid cards were examined and our immigration paper was looked at and returned since we'll need it at the airport.
Then we loaded up all the luggage and walked out of the port gate to a large pickup that turned out to be the vehicle Fran had hired. Put luggage in the back & strapped it down, put Duane in the front seat and us three in the back - and away. The speed limit on the 4-lane road was 120 kph; Duane says he never went less than that. But he was skillful and delivered us right to the door of the Doubletree by Hilton at 2727 Viticura.
Our room was not ready - they were sold out last night. So we waited in the lobby (R or above). Around 1430 we got room 711, right next to the elevators. Not bad - view out the back side of the hotel.
O left our power adapter on the ship so he walked to the Costenada Center, a mammoth shopping area two blocks away. A "Casa Royal" electronics store had them so O bought one for each of us. Total charge was 3980 pesos or $4.47 at today's exchange rate.
O had trouble getting connected to "hhonors" network. Finally he shut all the way down and brought it up again. Worked. Don't know what sort of poison HA left in it.
D plugged in and then crashed. O did these notes and other computer chores. Fran went off to get a power adapter.
Later we had drinks in the bar, followed by dinner in the hotel's Quotidian Bistro which was very pleasant in the outdoor breeze but little traffic noise.
Following that, Fran and O were exhausted from the illness and the long day, so they crashed. Duane & D weren't far behind.

Slept the clock around to this morning. Down for coffee and pastry in the cafeteria. Back to the room, down again just before 1000 to meet our contracted tour guide. Instead, the vehicle and driver were there and guide Victor Nilo came along right at 1000. Victor is a history and geography teacher locally. That was apparent in his near-continuous comments on local buildings, parks, rivers, roads and others.
When there was nothing to point at, Victor gave us glimpses of Chile's politics and history.
His driver was skilled and spoke good English so they made a good team. He drove well and at appropriate speeds.
Victor took us up Santa Lucia hill above the local library that had a very nice view and a bunch of dog-walkers. He said many people have dogs, and that he has two dogs. There was a bunch of history about this hill that I didn't get but the view was great.
We stopped in a location where there were all sorts of little stores, and food places with nice settings, etc. It also had restrooms which were appreciated.
Photos from this tour & the airport.
We did a little more touring, then they dropped us at the hotel. We went to our rooms and loafed.
O&D went to the Costenada center for D's shopping but we only found a couple of little things. Maybe tomorrow.
Back at the hotel, we again had drinks in the bar and ate in QB, again quite nice and with a waitress who had lived in Chicago until she was nine. We enjoyed the food and her speech and the pleasant evening.
Then off to the room to do small tasks and to bed. Then both of us had diarrhea events again in the night.
But we're going home tomorrow, so turn to the next page.