2 December At sea.
Had issues with the cabin lock last night. Had steward Juan get services - he says they worked on it, but it still looks shaky to me.
We're about 50 miles east of Turks & Caicos, making 16 knots on course 129* for St Thomas, which we'll reach tomorrow. Sea state three with long swells making a little pitching and rolling. Mostly cloudy but slightly warmer than yesterday.
I'm having trouble uploading ftp updates to this web page. Sometimes my connection test succeeds but never will an interaction with the ftp server begin. Humph.
We slept in with the time change, then had breakfast on the rear deck Sunset Lounge. Played a game of Countries trivia (unscrambling names of) and did poorly. Dave's team got all 20, we had 10.
Ship's bingo took place at noon. Win a cruise if you bingo in 52 numbers, or $250 for first bingo. D got down to one number. But there were three winners - with identical cards (something's wrong there). We'll check how they handled that one tomorrow.
We did the 1400 lecture on Barbados by the Phd lecturer. Interesting. Then we went to the Living Room to have a glass and prep for Trivia. Our British couple from yesterday joined us but we still didn't do well. They live 20 miles from Windsor Castle.
Back to the cabin for a spell of rest until 1915. Then to dinner in the Discovery Main Dining Room (MDR henceforth). Seated at a table for four with Jim & Deb from Pennsylvania and Florida. Snowbirds. Nice folks, quite traveled. Much talk. Very good food, perhaps a tad slow.
That ended barely in time to make the 2130 show by Eric de Gray, the Cruise Director. We saw him in 2012 on Journey in the Baltic. He is still an outstanding performer with a great voice. He does lots of audience participation and gets great applause for those tricks. We'll video part of his next show.
And then it became time for relaxation in the cabin where we found tomorrow's agenda saying we won't dock until 0900. So we did these notes and other things and then to bed.
Oh, yes, the lock has been good all day.
Photo Link

We've been here before, as recently as 2021 and as early as O's first visit in January 1960 by submarine. It has changed some during that span of years. But the main attractions at the top of the hill and at Bluebeard's Castle and the shopping street (Dronningens Gade) are still there. Lots of shopping venues.
However, we're here on a Sunday and we're the only ship in town, so most stores are closed and most attractions not open. We still don't see the need to do a tour.
So we stayed aboard. Played games, read books, etc. Still couldn't updates uploaded through the ship's network nor could I connect with anyone ashore to upload through them. Humph.
Took a few pictures from the Living Room to show the town and water. The blue-tinted image above is from the Living Room to the Havensight pier and a huge white yacht backing in to tie up. This pier is the same one the cruise ships are tied up in the stock image at right. In that one you can see the downtown area at center-right and the old submarine base at the very left edge where there is a white ship of some sort. That part of the harbor is named Crown Bay.
Finally got this page uploaded after shifting from ftp to sftp:2222. Yay.
Trivia but our Brit friends didn't show - thus we did poorly.
A bit in the cabin, then dinner in the Patio (Jim & Deb were there trying it). Off to the show - 80's music - very good dance and song.