Other ships scheduled: Jewel of the Seas (2,500) and Explora (1,400).
We've visited here in the past, last in 2015. Then, we did a tour from Castries down to Soufriere where the ship stopped later to pick us all up. The trip included a run through the sulfur-smelling volcano caldera and lunch at an old sugar plantation. I remember our driver had to be careful because every young man owns a motorcycle and drives it fearlessly.
We decided to loaf away the morning starting with continental breakfast on the verandah, very comfortable. Then we started a load of laundry in the self-serve facility. Since most passengers are ashore, we had no problem finding a vacant washer.
The cruise terminal parking lot is a madhouse. It's small, to start with. And each driver has his own way of doing things, neglecting the others. Traffic drives on the left side here - usually. The little road-tour-train slows things since he has to go slowly over the speed bumps for the entire length of the "train". And there's a multi-story building being erected just past the terminal.

After all the laundry finished we headed for the Cruise Terminal shops. There are two circles of stores off the Diamond Market in the center. We did the first and found a few kid things.
We got halfway through the second when the heavens opened and gave us the mother of all tropical showers. We hid under eaves until we found a bar full of people avoiding the rain. We edged in and took over a corner with a lady from Anderson, WI. She was of Polish descent from St Croix county, next to O's Dunn county, which started a small discussion. Her husband served in the Navy so she had traveled with him.
We finally completed the last circle. Bought an outrageously colorful shirt for O and a long muu-muu type thing for D. Then we hiked back to the ship through deep puddles. O says he hasn't splashed a puddle like that since he was four.

We put away wet stuff to dry and moved to the Living Room for Trivia. Midway into it, the rain returned, appearing like a monsoon. We went on with Trivia, not doing well. We need more help, especially younger help. Then Eric came onto the speakers saying White Night must move inside due to the weather, which is not forecast to be any better tomorrow. Hmmm.
Rather that doing the BBQ line they set up in Windows we went to Discoveries and had a nice set dinner there. We spoke to a couple from Boise next to us, very enjoyable. She teaches Spanish, he did a long term with HP. Many parallels with us.
Then up to the Living Room for the White Night entertainment. Eric and all the entertainers performed non-stop for ah hour and a half on Rock-n-Roll with the volume set 7db above pain. They were really good. We got underway in the middle of it. The worst job in the ship entertaining business must be Eric's assistant. He's everywhere and does it all. The little female mouse that is his nominal understudy almost never appears.
Photo Link (People inside, Rain outside)
Then to the cabin to re-adjust volume and relax and eventually sleep.
OBTW, not a word was said about Pearl Harbor day.