Again, we tender ashore to a small island, this one in the British Virgin Islands (right) The substitute island of Tortola is the one hiding under the bold "British Virgin Islands" legend at right. The stay here is short - only 0800 to 1500. It was selected because it's a safe harbor - well protected by tall hills.
When we were told about the change we headed to the excursions desk, which had a line three decks long for the only two cruises existing. We went to the internet to see what was available. The rest of the the passengers were on the net, so we learned nothing there. So we waited until this morning.
And this morning the ship knew no more. We assumed the goods ashore would be more of the same with new labels. We hadn't figured out anything to do so we decided to do it aboard.
We read books and did games and generally loafed in the nice breeze. Not too shabby a style.
The captain pulled up the hook just before 1500. The pilot guided us out. Away we go to Fort Lauderdale. After the hilarious Trivia (performer accent) we returned to cabin to find the ship doing 13.3 knots on course 305*.
We dined in Windows because the Patio was not operating. We returned to the cabin, declining the comedian and his show. Nice slow evening.
This is our last island on this cruise. When we leave here, we're on our way to Fort Lauderdale.