Ah, yes. The customary sea day before arrival. Sea state 3, lots of whitecaps, some wind, and cloudless. Full cloudy later, to which we are accustomed.
Day for packing and preparation for going ashore.
Got up slowly and started. Found we have several hundred dollars coming to us, the result of the inconvenience money and refunds on tours we couldn't take. First time that's ever happened. Did Lido breakfast, thinking we'd get an early start on packing.
Having real problems getting onto the internet. Suspect TotalAV and its latest update. Removed TotalAV for now.
Packing Problem 1 (PP1): Had to get out the Azamara bag to accommodate gifts. Knew this would happen. Overflowed to normal suitcases anyway.
PP2: Yellow suitcase full, mainly cold-weather stuff, some of which were never used.
PP3: O's blue suitcase is nearly full with the overflow of gifts and normal stuff.
Then the Captain spoke saying we have a medical problem on board. He has increased speed to arrive early and release the person. Out disembarkation times remain as was.
PP4: D reached 97% packed. O is at 94% Quit at that level to go out.
20240629 Saturday IJmuiden, Netherlands
We can't depend on getting to the airport in time to catch a flight-set that would get us to JAX this day. And we choose not to get caught someplace away from home. So we're going to take a tour around the Amsterdam area that then drops us at the airport around noon. We'll check into the airport Hilton. We can wander the airport or just loaf around the hotel.
We departed the ship as usual - mob scene down the ramp and into the baggage pickup area.
Then we got screwed up leaving the luggage pickup area of the cruise terminal. Nobody guided us to our tour bus, and we were whisked into another bus that took us directly to the airport.
There, we walked to the Hilton (nice day, sunny, 60's) and waited for check-in time. We were offered an early room at a premium price and took it. Now in room 615, relaxed and doing computer tasks like this one. So nice to be off the HA's Navigator app.
The Hilton is beautiful - modern and comfortable. Our un- needed luggage is in storage awaiting departure. There is no shuttle since it's so close to the terminal, but we can schedule a taxi to take us to the right place and save us the long walk with awkward suitcases.
We ate in the hotel dining room, nice stuff. Afterward we went to the lobby bar for a nightcap and ran into Mary. She's started as an OT, went through the Green Doors school in Key West that O avoided. Did tours at Bermuda and Brawdy, got a degree and gained a commission and NFO status. Did tours at Christchurch flying to McMurdo, married the Flight Surgeon. He died young, she lives in Crescent City FL. Neat lady.
Off to bed, alarm got us up at 0430, down to check out and get luggage. Taxi came and took us through terrible traffic to Door 2 of the terminal. We avoided further hassle by using the Delta priority lane to check luggage and get boarding passes. Then off to gate E2 to sit until told to board the plane.
The flight to ATL was longish (7.5 hours) and boring - the best kind. The second leg to JAX ran 2.5 hours late because the airplane for our flight couldn't take off out of Miami due to storms. Discovered that anything less than Premium Economy is right out.
But we got into JAX, got all our luggage, and Bill took us home.
Thanks for coming along.