20050718 Anchorage AK Partly cloudy in Homer, Cloudy, cool. Cool.54/69.
We got going and moved out of Homer, up the Sterling Hwy to the Seward Hwy to Anchorage and into the Alaska RV Park, which is run by a native group in conjuction with the Alaska Native Center down the road and across the street. We've been there, but never here.
The park is large and nice, except for one thing. When we park in our pull-thru site and then leave in the truck, we can't get back to the front of the trailer. The road is one-way with no entrance except through a site. Very strange.
We zipped in the back gate of Elmendorf AFB to hit the commissary, returned and put stuff away. Then we went downtown to a place Dolores had seen in a TV ad - the Glacier Brewhouse. It wasn't bad at all. Big place, alderwood fire on which everything is cooked. I had halibut, D had chicken, and the IPA was good.
We returned to the little house. I called Midas to ensure that the part we need for installation tomorrow was in. Don said he'd received three parts under the ordered number and all three were the right caliper, not the left caliper. He doesn't know what to do. He suggested they look at it in the morning and we'll dope out something.
Rats. Had I known then what I know now, I'd never have put that disk brake kit on the truck.
So, now we're going to enjoy the evening and see what tomorrow brings.
20050719 Anchorage AK Cloudy, rainy. Picture Link
I went downtown to the Midas place. They weren't open, so I had breakfast at a Denny's and went back.
I explained the problem to Jim, the opening manager (Don was coming in later today). Jim had Steve, the tech who did the job last week, check out the brakes, especially the left one.
The inspection showed normal wear and nothing abnormal. Steve showed me an arm to reset if it accidentally hangs up.
Don couldn't come up with anything useful, since Midas US and Midas Canada are two different things. He suggests I get the job finished in Holland.
So I went back to the trailer. Dolores wanted to go to a few places to take pictures, so we did that.
First, down the Seward Highway to a waterfall. Then back to Potter Marsh for pictures there (we saw an eagle getting food for its young, and spawning salmon).
Off to the commissary for a few items, topped off fuel at the service station, and back to the little house.
Then we took a hike around the camp while Dolores took more flower pictures.
After that, we did hamburgers for dinner. Then we did internet via Wifi and TV watching until bed-time.