265 miles to the KOA in Bowling Green, KY
We lucked out on this one. A patch of rain went through just before we got up.
We packed up quickly and followed it. It was bound SE, and so were we, so we loafed along under the clouds until we got to Bowling Green. There, it finally reached 89*. A good drive.
Followed immediately by a poor night. There's some sort of facility next door (maybe a county vehicle place, with piles of sand and so forth) that is in use a good part of the night. The trucks back up a lot, which puts the beeping OSHA alarm into use loudly. Then they raise their beds, which makes the gate slam loudly against the body of the truck.
This place is not recommended, although otherwise it's fairly nice.
I went to bed early, Dolores somewhat later, but we were both awakened by the noise next door.