20070619 to Wiggins MS 228 miles
Hot. ~90*.
Miserable traffic all along US98 to Pensacola. Better on I-10 to Mobile. Then back roads to Wiggins with no traffic.
We set up in the campground, paid the manager, and received our wifi codes. We started tracking a storm front north of us, moving south.
Then Darrell Tardy (a former IBM associate) called to invite us down to his house (pre-arranged). We headed out of the campground and at the exit saw a tremendous cloud wall and rain coming down the road. We raced to stay ahead of it to Darrell & Mary's place. Got there just in time.
We chatted for a while and watched their new grandson and met son Joe, and when the rain stopped, went out to eat. Darrell drove their new Prius, which is a cute little thing. We chatted some more over dinner. They took us on a tour along the coast afterward, showing where some things are coming back after the Katrina disaster and which things are still desolate. Much of it is still pretty grim.
Back to their house for more chat, then we bowed out early to go back to the "little house" and rest. Neither of us slept well last night - pre-trip syndrome.
A good first day.