20140426 Terneuzen NL for Bruges BE
Note: Today the May school holiday for Dutch children begins (until 20140505).
Vantage: Terneuzen (Bruges), Belgium Enjoy an included excursion to picturesque Bruges, one of Europe’s best-preserved medieval cities and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. You’ll be enchanted as you glide beneath graceful bridges on a canal cruise while listening to commentary about the highlights of this charming city. Then, experience Bruges on a walking tour with ancient cobbles under your feet and fairy-tale turrets overhead. Try some local specialties off ship, with lunch money to be provided. Tonight, gather for a Captain’s Reception and Dinner on board.

Actual: We stayed in Terneuzen and did not go to Bruges.... PhotoLink
The trip to Bruges was described to us last night and it sounded too much for Dolores. Especially the mention of cobblestones. So we asked for information on Terneuzen, where the ship is docked, and got it. We also remembered that today is King’s Day, a holiday, so there will be things going on here.
After a lazy breakfast as nearly all the others were departing, we stalled until the time when some things must be open. We walked along the quay wall and then started noticing flea-market-type settings all over the place. Mainly families with two or so blankets out and things placed on them they wished to sell. It seemed half the town was selling and the other half was wandering around looking to buy things.
After a bit of looking ourselves we got to the market square (Markt). There were many stalls set up to sell things and a stage at one end that will doubtless be housing entertainment later. We pushed through all of that to the far left corner. There we stopped in a small enclosure and refreshed ourselves with grain and grape.
After a bit of rest we pressed on, still headed away from the ship. Up a shopping street; the stores were mainly closed but pubs and restaurants were open. One store (Hema, something like Dollar General) was open. Dolores found some things for our smallest grandson. We kept going, now at an angle back toward the ship and still moving through the herd at the flea-stands.
Then we rounded a corner and headed back to the ship. I saw a way down some steps and along a pool that would get us around the fleas. I started down, Dolores said something, I turned around to reply and tripped. But I fell lightly and no damage. Onward then to the ship.
We arrived at the stroke of noon. Lunch was set in the bar for seven people. Two were there, so we joined them. Another two were off-ship at the doctor because one had taken a spill on a tour. The other was probably for the concierge, who went with them to help. Lunch was a nice little thin beef vegetable followed by a cheeseburger, then ice cream. That was the best burger I’ve had in a week. Actually, it was very good and welcome.
As we left the bar/lounge the wounded party returned. She has a red-white-blue painted cast on her arm (broken radial something in wrist). The Dutch flag is stripes of red-white-blue, so there’s undoubtedly a story there. We also stepped up to the mini-store and purchased something for Ryan’s parents.
We decided not to return to town in the afternoon due to D’s stiffness and that the ship is getting underway at 1645. So I’m typing these notes and then will add to them later.
We didn’t do a whole lot later. We had drinks with Wally & Mary Kay from Palm Coast FL, then dinner with them and a couple whose male member has a bad case of rheumatoid arthritis. This couple was also on board this ship when it lost steering and hit the shore and a barge and was severely damaged. Perhaps we’d best not get too close to them.
We sat in the lounge till it was dark, watching the shores as the ship moved up channels and rivers to enter Antwerp. Very industrial region.
Finally, off to bed.