LonePine CA

20050523 Lone Pine CA                                                    Picture Link

We got out of San Diego late, in order to avoid the rat-race commuter traffic. Glenn & Lou told us of a shortcut out of Lakeside. It was much better than the I-8/I-15 route.

Things were fine following I-15 until we got to Cajon Pass (4190'). By that time, the temperatures had reached the low 90's and it was a chore keeping transmission temperature down while getting over the hill. 

We refueled in Hesperia and kept plugging along. Trans temp got higher than I like, but not over 200*. We're probably OK, but I'll change fluid early.

This continued all the way to Lone Pine, where we stopped at the Boulder Creek resort (again about 4000'). Temp on arrival was 97*F. We turned on the A/C in the trailer and waited for the trailer temp to come down. 

Then we had dinner - a chicken the Jacksons gave us from last night's bunch of chickens. We're not going into the name or method of cooking other than to say they were really good.

Then we caught up with some printing and paperwork on the computer. The wireless internet connection here is rather shaky, so we didn't bother with e-mail tonight.

Tomorrow, we'll run on to Lee Vining, arriving a couple days earlier than our reservation. It shouldn't be a problem. We'll look around there and move on to Carson City when we run out of things to do. It should be cooler there, at 6700'. We'll get a good start in the morning to run in cooler conditions.

The country roundabout is desert. Plain old desert. Dry, hot, little vegetation.


After I'd finished these notes, the lights in the trailer began to dim. I installed the replacement 12vdc power supply we bought last Sunday and restored things to normal. The new power supply is physically different, so I'll have to jury-rig a way to mount it.


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