Friday, 9 April 2010. About 50* at dawn, sunny but cool later in the day.

No pictures..

We didn't move all that quickly, but we did get onto the road eastbound by 9:30 am. First to Woodville TX, then Beaumont TX. From there, it's interstates to Florida.

Things went well until we crossed the Mississippi at Baton Rouge. After that, it was a real messy Friday afternoon for about 30 miles. Finally got out of it and did the rest of the way into Calloway CG at Hammond, where we stayed on the way out to Texas.

We didn't unhook the truck, but did put down the jacks and hooked up everything for our last night on the road this trip. In the morning, we'll drain all the tanks, and leave some water in the blackwater tank suitable for storing in the Navy lot we rent to have a place to put the little house when we're not using it.

We'll have to check the window that leaked as well before we put it away.

We walked to Catfish Charlie's and had a nice dinner served by a cute little lady who probably hasn't been a wait-person very long. But she was attentive and fun.

We hiked back to the little house, then D took some flower pictures. Now we're settling in and taking it easy.

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