HainesJct YT

20050721  Haines Jct YT  35/70  Mostly cloudy, cool.                                  Picture Link

Cold this morning. I guess being back in the interior did that. It warmed up soon after the sun struck the trailer. 

We hit the road quickly this morning but you couldn't tell that by our arrival time here (4:00pm). There were bad (slow) stretches of road, slow drivers where they couldn't be passed, and construction (including a stretch of 8km and several smaller sections).

This is easily the worst stretch of the Alaskan Hwy - Tok to Haines Jct.

The only animals we saw today were rodents.

Other than that, we saw some nice scenery and took a lot of nice pictures.

After arrival here, we went to the Parks Canada Visitors Center for Kluane Nat'l Park. Nice little place, took more pictures.

Then we took a quick tour of the town. It has to be quick - there are only 800 inhabitants. 

So we had a little family dinner at the Cozy Corner next door to the RV Park and returned to the little house to stretch and take it easy. Dolores took two more pictures and got two mosquito bites.


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